Thursday, December 15, 2011


As we grow older it becomes difficult to just believe. It's not that we don't want to, But too much had happened that we just can't.
The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination. Your life as an adult and your life as a kid, the difference between them is just magnificent .
 While growing up, life teaches you that nothing stays the same; It's a fact actually, and everyone knows it. The happy ones won't stay happy for too long, the sad ones won't stay sad for too long, the rich ones won't stay rich, and the poor ones will probably stay poor for the rest of their lives. It depends though. Don't ask me on what. 'cause I wouldn't have the  answer .
So we take life as a silly game. In order to survive it; we have to play it well; without  cheating. We have to be honest, decent, humble, we have to believe and hope for the best, we have to know how to fight it. And then; you survive .
As kids, we didn't have to worry about anything, 'cause we knew as long as we had our parents by our side, then everything will be okay. and we knew that it will never change, the people we love will always stay there for us. Back then, "death" didn't exit. we knew how to over come pain, everything was possible, reachable, painless and imaginable. somehow, we knew that every thing will stay as it is. But if it does change , it will change for the better, the best. 'cause kids always look at the bright side in everything, they see the good in the bad .
But it just never crossed our minds for even one second that our lives will turn upside-down; for the worst . so from now on, expect the worst.
'cause shit will happen, you might lose your loved ones in a flash light. You might see your precious ones suffer from cancer,  without being able to do anything about it, you just stand there, you just watch them get hurt. but knowing that you're the one who should have it, sometimes makes it better. 'cause they've suffered enough during the past years.  You might see your precious little brother work his ass off all night long just so he could have a decent life, a life that his friends have. You might be the only one who got two jobs in your area. Your dad might try to kill you, chock you to death. You might get raped by someone who's close to your family. You might try to take all your anger out and sleep with a sick horny man who got a PHD and a different religion; and that man might be your professor. You might feel like you're trapped in this tiny cage without even knowing how to get the fuck out of it, the one that got the key will make you wear, act and do whatever they want, knowing that the one who got the key is a fucking ignorant will probably kill you  inside, 'cause it means that you will never get out of that dark, tiny cage. Even with the huge potential you have; of having a great life. The fact that this ignorant motherfucker gets to decide how you're going to live your life will probably kill you a little every day. You might lose the one you love for a life you'll never have. And one night might ruin your life, You, might ruin your life. You might think of running away but then guilt takes over and you just stand there, you just stand there without trying to do anything about it.  Your selfish oldest sister might become the main source of pain even when you're ready to destroy any one who tries to harm her. You might be surrounded with lots of people but you still feel lonely; Those people might be dying just to see you fall.  You might find it hard to believe that this is your story, your life, that it's you. But soon enough, you'll get used to the idea that everything changes . 
We just didn't realize all that as kids, 'cause fairy dust was all over the place, we believed in magic, we played pretend, we hoped, we crossed our fingers and just made these silly wishes. we wanted a brighter future than the present we had. We thought that the only thing we had to grieve is just death, and at some point of our lives; we all want to grow up. We were desperate to get to this point. We grabed all the opportunities we had to just grow older and "live" .
We didn't know that life had lots of surprises in store for us . we didn't understand the "game of life" we didn't know the rules, and how to fight it, or even how to live right. we just stood there and let bad things take over our lives, our hearts, our families and loved ones .
So ; life will prove that it isn’t just death we have to grieve; it's life, it's loss, it's change. And when we wonder why it has to suck so fucking much, has to hurt so bad; the thing that we gotta try to remember is that it will teach us how to survive, how to live right, how to love again and how to not feel ashamed of yourself, of your life .
Back then, when we were little, we didn't think about the fact that it's going to be cold out here. Really freaking cold. All we wanted was to grow up. we didn't know that growing up sometimes means leaving people behind. And by the time we stand on our own two feet, we realize that we're standing here all alone. but that doesn't mean that you have to give up, it doesn't mean that you're the only one who's in pain, or the only one who got a shitty life, somehow, we all do, we all taste the bad, and good, the sweet and bitter, so if you're walking through hell; keep walking, 'cause maybe, just maybe, it will all turn around, to the best.
Change; we don’t like it, we fear it, but we can't stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. And it hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying. But here's the truth...the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes change might be good. sometime change might be everything.

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