Monday, December 12, 2011

just venting xD

I just can't seem to understand some people. Ughhhhhhh like when some say,"I love you" to just, anybody basically. has literally everyone forgotten how strong the feeling of love is? I only love my closest friends, and only say 'I love you' if I really mean it. I'm not saying, oh i'm the best, be like me. but you know, think about what you're actually saying .

or when people fake being nice,like when they try be someone they ain't. by copying other people's actions and thoughts, and just act as if they own those thoughts, as if they are the ones who created 'em thoughts. Are you seriosuly doing it? look at your self. 
or when some ignorant motherfucker discriminates against someone for their: weight, sexual preference, race, physical appearance, physical traits (disabilities or abilities), religion, gender, et cetera. I can't understand people who actaully are this way. I don't have anyone who acts like that sick way in my life.I hate it. I won't hesitate to harm anyone who is like that.  I mean gosh who gives you the right; under any circumstances, to treat people like shit? at the end we all are the same. humans. 

or when you help someone out in their darkest times, Then they turn around and show no respect for you later. hun, be thankful for having me in your life. 
or when they get into stuff that are non of their damn business. I mean seriosuly, do you want a slap across the face? Bitch, Get a freaking life.

also when they talk shit behind your back and then smile to your face like nothing happened. oh well, sweetheart, I would love to punch you right in the face, but honestly , I wouldn't know which one to punch first. you are that two faced.

you know those people that have on their accounts like, an arrow to their picture saying things like;
that's me, get over it.
um... get over what love? do you actually know what you're saying?
or like;
to the left to the left everything you want is to the left.
okay, it was quite clever at first, but come on, using beyoncé's lyrics is kinda old now, and no,we don't want everything to the left thanks! 

or when people upload photos of themselves then say, oh i'm really really ugly. um, Don't upload the photo then, for literally anyone to see. simple as.

Now" facebook text typing"..Oh my goshh, this is possibly the most annoying thing ever. Why the hell do people do this? okay, I understand in phonetexts, as it's so much easier to just type gd instead of good, or lyk instead of like. but when you have a full keyboard infront of you, with commas, appostrophies.. etc. right infront you, why don't you use them? It literally makes you look thick, as if you can't spell, or don't know how to use them and when people use 'age' on the end of every fricking word now, What the hell is that all about?

Style now days. also, now girls are wearing loads of foundation which makes their faces orange? now, I wear foundation, like, the creamy/liquid foundation then a light layer of powder. but why wear so so so so so much that your face looks chalked? 'cause that looks worse than not wearing it at all. and now people are putting foundation on their lips? do you realize how crap that actually looks? you have white lips. white lips? oh wow!. and you see the line where the founation stops, which looks totally stupid.

man, people suck! xD

oh and yes. I'm having one of my moments xD. 

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